Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Leif @ 4 and a half years

Oh the Leify Cakey, this little man is getting to be pretty funny. He has very strong opinions, and is such a good big brother. Sometimes almost too good...if that's possible, he makes sure everyone at the playground minds their p's and q's around his little brother and sister. He has been SUPER into transformers, loves to take pictures...not kidding...hundreds...he gets a few good ones here and there. He is a fun little guy who adores his Daddy, and can be so sweet. He is starting to learn sight words, and will point them out when were are around town, and  he also knows all of his colors in Spanish!

Here is a little peek into the Leifsters little mind;

What is your favorite color: Blue, Azul

What is your favorite thing to do outside: Jump on the trampoline

What is your favorite toy: Bumblebee

What is your favorite fruit: Grapes

What is your favorite tv show: Transformers

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch: Noodles

What is your favorite outfit: Lightening McQueen shirt

What is your favorite game: Hide'n'go seek

What is your favorite thing to have for breakfast: Sausage

What is your favorite snack: Quesadillas

What is your favorite animal: Cheetah

What is your favorite song: Transformers

What is your favorite book: Berenstain Bears

What is your favorite drink: Apple juice and Chocolate milk

What is your favorite cereal: Apple Jacks

What is your favorite place to go: Soccer Place (Indoor Soccer)

What is your favorite holiday: Mothers Day (woohoo, little man did awesome! He was so proud of the gift he made me, totally even hid it under his bed until the big day and everything, love)

What do you like to have in bed with you: Transformers (noticing a theme yet?)

What do you want to be when you grow up: A construction worker

Who is your best friend: Aubri, Eli, Sophi, and Soren

1 comment:

  1. I love my little boyfriend! It cracks me up how much he loves Transformers! The kid has good taste! ;) Love you Leif!
