Sorry I haven't posted anything in ages, I really don't have an excuse, just been preoccupied with other things I guess. So here it goes, I plan to make history on my page with all the updating and pictures that are about to take place.
A lot has happened since the last time I posted, my parents went to Hawaii for a week...gosh being a stay-at-home Mom is boring and lonely. That was the first time I have been alone for longer than just about 2 days. I got a taste for what it is going to be like when Leif and I move out and I can offically say that I look forward to when Leify is a little more mobile so we can join a play group or something. Yikes. When Leif was home from work and school it was awesome we had the opportunity to just be our own little family and veg out. Dad and Leify took a little nap on Saturday afternoon. Gosh they are cute.
Grandma Diane came down from Spokane for a visit on Friday morning, she hasn't seen him since he was 2 weeks old and couldn't believe how much he has grown! Leify was kind of grumpy because it was his naptime but still had some smiles for her.
We also went and visited Grandma Vi on the following Saturday, she is so good to us! She had Taco's ready for us and loved on Leify, she is an absolute joy to be around. She has given us a weekend at her condo the second week in March. We are looking forward to having a little getaway. Life is so busy.
Leify has a new love in his life, he has a little dog that is a blankey from the head down and my goodness does he love that thing he kisses it and hugs it, and now has to fall asleep with it ;)

We have been taking advantage of the Non-raining weather to be outside and take so walks, I usually go just here out the house I either load him up in the jogger or I put the snuggli on. My mom and I went this morning, I had accidently left the jogger outside and it rained last night so it was a little wet so I put him in the he cute or what?!

Leify has been eating like a little pig we weighed him a couple days ago and he was up to 14 pounds. We go in for his 4 month check up on Monday so we'll see how much he has grown. I finally found a food that he doesn't like, prunes. I was really beginning to think that he would eat anything, lol. He is also rolling around like crazy, changing his diaper is almost impossible he doesn't want to sit still for a minute.
Thor continues to be fat and annoying and will spoon anything he can find.

I hope this makes up for not posting in FOREVER. I promise to be better ;)
Now thats more like it! I love the update. Being an at home mom has its ups and downs... kinda start beggin for the grown up talk by the end of the day, but its such a blessing to be the one to see all the milestones they are going through. There are lots of working moms that are envious of us right now. ;) Love ya!
ReplyDeleteUm, are you sure Thor is spooning that pillow? It looks a little more hard-core! ;) I love the update, too. I can't believe how quickly the little guy is growing! Man!