This past weekend Leif and I made a trip up to Dana's to hang out and wish Cody a happy birthday. We had a great time, it is so great having family within driving distance. I have a very cute picture of Cam holding Leify but Leif is using our computer to do homework so I'll have to post it later. It is hard to believe that Cody is 15, instead of feeling old I just keep trying to tell myself that the age gap is closing. Can you belive that when I am 47 he'll be 40?!? Crazy!
While we were up there we also got to check out the Cabela's which isn't too far from where Dana and Jim live, I could spend a whole day in there! I thought I found a deal in the "Bargain Cave" but sadly I was mistaken. :(
Cole got Leify to giggle out loud for the first time!! He has been full of giggles today it is so sweet I actually teared up today. It is crazy how what can make up happy changes so quickly.
Leify is growing up so fast he is inhaling his baby food, today he had Bananas and hardly any even found it's way unto his bib. He is becoming more and more aware of his hands and how they work but holy cow does he get ticked if they don't do what he wants them to!
While we were up there we also got to check out the Cabela's which isn't too far from where Dana and Jim live, I could spend a whole day in there! I thought I found a deal in the "Bargain Cave" but sadly I was mistaken. :(
Cole got Leify to giggle out loud for the first time!! He has been full of giggles today it is so sweet I actually teared up today. It is crazy how what can make up happy changes so quickly.
Leify is growing up so fast he is inhaling his baby food, today he had Bananas and hardly any even found it's way unto his bib. He is becoming more and more aware of his hands and how they work but holy cow does he get ticked if they don't do what he wants them to!
Oh! whoops! Happy birthday Cody! Monday I got Aubriana to full on giggle for the first time too. It was the cutest thing in the world. I even got her to do it for Tim when he came home from work. It just brings pure joy to your heart to hear it. I so wish we lived there now. It's hard seeing these pictures of Leify grow up and not be apart of it. :(