I took advantage of the sun a few weeks ago to take some pics of my sweet little kiddies. I had bought them coordinating outfits for my nephew's reception, but the flu struck our house, and the kids stayed home with Daddy, so here I was with cute clothes and no occasion....
So, we made our own! Seeing the sun around here basically is a special occasion! I am so sick of this stupid rain. Leif and I occasionally joke of moving to (insert tropical island) and growing pineapples, it sounds more and more inticing everyday. I need to be outside with these little monkeys! Talk about cabin fever!
It really is a good thing I only have 1 little girly pie. She is so fun to dress! Ha. I am in love with her little shoes. And I love putting the boys in cute little matching polos, too fun.

So cute! I love these kids! The one of Leify holding Soren is seriously funny! Can't wait to spend some time with you all this week! Yay!!!