Sunday, May 31, 2009

Boy or Girl?!?!?!?!?!?

We have our ultrasound on the 26th of June. Leif and I are interested in hearing what people are guessing the newest little Hasselblad will be. So leave your comments!!


  1. My guess is a girl this time, but you already know that... but Tim thinks its a boy. ;) Can't wait to find out! Regardless, it will be another adorable child for the Hasselblads! :)

  2. Girl....only because you're sick this time and you weren't with Leify. I bet he/she will have the same big eyes though! Can't wait to find exciting!

  3. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Why? BEcause my girls need a girl cousin close in age now! :) But ether way - you know that baby will be as adorable as adorable can be!!! :)

  4. Good Point Yvonnne. But then Leify will be completly out numbered!!

  5. just to be contrary, I say a boy! That way Leify will have a buddy.
