Tuesday, November 4, 2008

House Update

Tomorrow the carpet is being laid, I can't believe it is almost done. After such a long and brutal wait I am still in denial that it is actually happening. The builders will be done next week. In order to get occupancy we have to build a deck, retaining wall, and pour some steps off the back slider door. If Leif didn't have a million other things on his "to do list" it wouldn't seem so daunting. But, since he is such a busy beaver he will be doing those things on the weekends only. So, if I am in the house by December 8th I'll be happy. Here is my kitchen, I need to get some hardware for the doors, other than that I am pretty happy with the way it turned out.


  1. What a beautiful kitchen! It will be so nice celebrate your first Christmas in your new house. So many memories to make:)

  2. I love the color of the counters! Its going to be so nice to have your own home FINALLY! Yeah!

  3. YAY! I can't wait to see it!! :)

  4. I forgot to tell you that you might need a faucet for your sink, too. I woke up from a dead sleep just to tell you that. Ok, not really...I woke up from a dead sleep to feed Mia...but I thought of it while feeding her. So here I am. Rambling. As usual. :)

    I can't wait to see you guys in two days! I guess its supposed to be cold..........

  5. I am excited for you and sad for me. If we can't manage to get together when you live fifteen minutes away we'll never manage when you are clear up there! But it all looks great. I completely understand wanting your own space.
