Last night we went to a Ward activity that my Dad planned, all about missionary work and each family that came was supposed to bring a dish from the mission that the "head of the house" served in. It was pretty stinking cool, there was lots and lots of good and different food. A nice alternative to the numerous pasta dishes that usually show up. Leify ate like a pig, he had food all around him it was very apparent where he had been sitting. As soon as we got into the car he was out, and slept peacefully through the night with a big fat belly of rice.

Thursday night we had the opportunity to go with my parents and brother Patrick to a Timber's soccer game at PGE Park. My parents are occasionally invited to the "PGE Box" because of their business; we had a great time! Leify was interested in what was going on. He really enjoyed it when the mariachi dancers came out on the field during half time and were flipping around in their bright dresses.

Friday night we went to Grandma Vi's and had dinner. It is always so great to see her, she was nice enough to buy us pizza (which was really good) Her and Leify played with a ball, he thought it was hilarious and was actually laughing out loud about it. He started crawling over at her place too, he just thought that the ball was SOOO cool.
Saturday I went to a children's resale shop...I had planned on having a garage sale, but since the weather is ALWAYS so disgusting I opted for the resale shops. (I went to a consignment shop for my clothes) Anyways I was pretty excited, from the stuff I sorted out of Leify's I got $84. I thought that was awesome!
YEAH Leify!!! I want to see a video of him crawling. I'm excited! It sounds like you guys had a great week! I want some of those consignment shops around here, so I can get rid of stuff too. That would be so nice. I miss you guys!