We passed?!? We passed!! We passedWe passed!! We passed!We passed!! We passed!We passed!! We passed!We passed!! We passed!We passed!! We passed!We passed!! We passed!
I can't wait to move in! What a long horrible ordeal this has been!
Haha. Leif and I are already talking about building our next house...We have learned nothing.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
We are going to file for temporary occupancy this week. Hopefully the inspector is nice and will let us move in!!!
We went to Lowes and picked out appliances about two weeks ago, the price gods were good to us and we were able to get everything for under $2k.
Leif is still working on getting all the kitchen pulls on, but overall I am happy with the way my kitchen turned out.

We went to Lowes and picked out appliances about two weeks ago, the price gods were good to us and we were able to get everything for under $2k.
Leif is still working on getting all the kitchen pulls on, but overall I am happy with the way my kitchen turned out.
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
This Past weekend we got ready for Christmas. I honestly don't feel the Christmas Spirit until I have watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vaction, so Leif and I popped it in this weekend. Now I am good to go! We went to a Christmas Tree place out my our house in Ariel. I would have liked to of had more time to look around for the perfect tree, but it was so cold, and Leify was quickly turing into a popcicle. We have about 8 inches of snow up at our place, to be honest, I really don't care for the snow. I like to look at it and think it is OH SO gorgeous, but I dispise being cold.

Monday, December 8, 2008
"Thank You"
Appropriatley around Thanksgiving, Leify began to say "Thank You". I think it is the cutest most adorable thing I have EVER heard! It isn't just that he says it, he know WHEN to say it. If I give him something to eat, he says "Thank You". It is too precious.
Also, he is finally saying Mommy on a regular basis. If you ask him to say it though, he still says "Dada". My Dad thinks this is hilarious.
Also, he is finally saying Mommy on a regular basis. If you ask him to say it though, he still says "Dada". My Dad thinks this is hilarious.
Newest Craft Project
Malo and Yvonne's
Quite awhile ago...like beginning of November a while ago we went and visited Malo and Yvonne. Here are the two pictures I managed to take. I know I am so lame, it sickens me. For some reason Leify liked Mia's Bumbo.
Have I mentioned that Leify likes to be outside?? He tries to escape any chance he gets. We are so excited that Malo and Yvonne lives SOOO much closer now. They are so much fun, and their family! Crazy right?!?! ;)

Have I mentioned that Leify likes to be outside?? He tries to escape any chance he gets. We are so excited that Malo and Yvonne lives SOOO much closer now. They are so much fun, and their family! Crazy right?!?! ;)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
8 T.V Shows I Watch....
1. Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles
2. Prison Break
3. House
4. Fringe
5. Lost
6. Designed to Sell
7. Design on a Dime
8. Wheel of Fortune
8 Favorite Restaurants....
1. Panera
2. Red Robin
3. Gustav’s
4. The Cheesecake Factory
5. Papa Haydens
6. Bugerville
7. Henry’s Tavern
8. Portland City Grill
8 Things That Happened Yesterday....
1. I set my alarm for 6:45, but somehow didn’t crawl out of bed until 8:25.
2. I tried to have a clean house before leaving for Spokane. Which meant finishing any and all laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and cleaning the bathroom. It IS cleaner...just not clean enough.
3. Rode around like a bat outta hell on my 4-wheeler, which hasn’t worked in 2 years. Yay Leif, and thanks for fixing it.
4. Stood around and waited for Leif to be ready. We were supposed to leave at 11, however we didn’t make it out of the driveway until after 1.
5. Went to the Library on the way out of town and picked up a book on CD for the mind numbing six plus hour drive ahead of us.
6. I drank a Sugar Free Rock Star in an innocent endeavor of staying perked up. 15 minutes later I felt paranoid and like my heart was going to explode. I didn’t fall asleep until 2 and have been up since 6.
7. Leif and I almost ran out of gas between the I-84 junction and Kennewick. Thank Goodness it’s mostly downhill, and for small little miracles.
8. After 12 years in the car we finally made in to Malo and Yvonnes. Mia woke up to have an evening snack and I got to hold her for the first time in ages!!
8 Things I Look Forward To....
2. Decorating my new house
3. Hugs and kisses from Leif…both of them
4. Lazy Saturday mornings where the 3 of us hang out in bed
5. More kidlet(s)
6. Listening to Leif sing and play guitar.
7. Leify telling me that he loves me.
8. Going to Cancun!
8 Things On My Wish List......
1. Leif being done with school
2. My very own house…soon!
3. Eating all the things I want without worrying about gaining weight
4. More time in the day
5. More patience
6. A pair of Keen Presidio shoes
7. More creativity
8. To not be so judgemental.
8 Words or Phrases I Use All The Time....
1. I don’t know
2. You know..?
3. Well, that’s gay. I have a reoccurring dream that Leify is going to be in the Principal’s office on his first day of school for using this phrase. I have tried to stop to no avail.
4. Hooker. That is a term of endearment, while some may call their husbands Honey…Leif is known as “Hooker”.
5. Crap
6. No way.
7. Shiz
8. Whaaattt?!?
8 People I Tag......
Whoever want to participate!!
1. Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles
2. Prison Break
3. House
4. Fringe
5. Lost
6. Designed to Sell
7. Design on a Dime
8. Wheel of Fortune
8 Favorite Restaurants....
1. Panera
2. Red Robin
3. Gustav’s
4. The Cheesecake Factory
5. Papa Haydens
6. Bugerville
7. Henry’s Tavern
8. Portland City Grill
8 Things That Happened Yesterday....
1. I set my alarm for 6:45, but somehow didn’t crawl out of bed until 8:25.
2. I tried to have a clean house before leaving for Spokane. Which meant finishing any and all laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and cleaning the bathroom. It IS cleaner...just not clean enough.
3. Rode around like a bat outta hell on my 4-wheeler, which hasn’t worked in 2 years. Yay Leif, and thanks for fixing it.
4. Stood around and waited for Leif to be ready. We were supposed to leave at 11, however we didn’t make it out of the driveway until after 1.
5. Went to the Library on the way out of town and picked up a book on CD for the mind numbing six plus hour drive ahead of us.
6. I drank a Sugar Free Rock Star in an innocent endeavor of staying perked up. 15 minutes later I felt paranoid and like my heart was going to explode. I didn’t fall asleep until 2 and have been up since 6.
7. Leif and I almost ran out of gas between the I-84 junction and Kennewick. Thank Goodness it’s mostly downhill, and for small little miracles.
8. After 12 years in the car we finally made in to Malo and Yvonnes. Mia woke up to have an evening snack and I got to hold her for the first time in ages!!
8 Things I Look Forward To....
2. Decorating my new house
3. Hugs and kisses from Leif…both of them
4. Lazy Saturday mornings where the 3 of us hang out in bed
5. More kidlet(s)
6. Listening to Leif sing and play guitar.
7. Leify telling me that he loves me.
8. Going to Cancun!
8 Things On My Wish List......
1. Leif being done with school
2. My very own house…soon!
3. Eating all the things I want without worrying about gaining weight
4. More time in the day
5. More patience
6. A pair of Keen Presidio shoes
7. More creativity
8. To not be so judgemental.
8 Words or Phrases I Use All The Time....
1. I don’t know
2. You know..?
3. Well, that’s gay. I have a reoccurring dream that Leify is going to be in the Principal’s office on his first day of school for using this phrase. I have tried to stop to no avail.
4. Hooker. That is a term of endearment, while some may call their husbands Honey…Leif is known as “Hooker”.
5. Crap
6. No way.
7. Shiz
8. Whaaattt?!?
8 People I Tag......
Whoever want to participate!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
House Update
Tomorrow the carpet is being laid, I can't believe it is almost done. After such a long and brutal wait I am still in denial that it is actually happening. The builders will be done next week. In order to get occupancy we have to build a deck, retaining wall, and pour some steps off the back slider door. If Leif didn't have a million other things on his "to do list" it wouldn't seem so daunting. But, since he is such a busy beaver he will be doing those things on the weekends only. So, if I am in the house by December 8th I'll be happy. Here is my kitchen, I need to get some hardware for the doors, other than that I am pretty happy with the way it turned out.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I wanna go Fast!
Ricky Bobby Anyone?? Leify has two qualities in common with ol' Ricky Bobby:
A. He doesn't quite know what to do with his hands while he is talking.
B. He wants to go fast.
If he sees a steering wheel he is full speed ahead to go and get in front of it. He loves loves loves to ride on the 4-wheeler, and the tractor, fork lift, golf cart, truck... The faster you go the louder he giggles. Here he is attempting to go fast.

A. He doesn't quite know what to do with his hands while he is talking.
B. He wants to go fast.
If he sees a steering wheel he is full speed ahead to go and get in front of it. He loves loves loves to ride on the 4-wheeler, and the tractor, fork lift, golf cart, truck... The faster you go the louder he giggles. Here he is attempting to go fast.
Our little Lion
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
BHS Bazaar
Does anyone who lives around here want to go with me to the Battle Ground HS Bazaar on Saturday? I went to it last year and it was actually pretty decent. I just don't want to go by myself. Anyone..Anyone..
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Hubs and Me
Leify is 1
My little guy isn't so little anymore. I can't believe an entire you has already come and gone. Here are some pictures from Leify's big day. We first went to Bi-zi farms here in Vancouver, then we came home opened presents and had cake. All in all it was a mellow day. We love Leify so much, it is so fun watching him learn and grow. He talks to everything, and is sooo indpendent right now. Nicole, who is one of the raddest girls I know, and also happens to by my sister in law came out just in time for Leify's Bday. Aubriana and Leify played so good together and we had a great time with Nicole.

Friday, September 26, 2008
Arranged Marriage
We have been seeing a lot of Noah and Seirra latley. Leif's brother Eric now has them full time, so whenever he comes around so do the kiddos! Leify is loving it. He will make one of his monster noises and then Noah will make it too... and that is just SOOOO cool in Leify's book.
He is such a social little guy. Today we were at the Fabric store and he was freaking out about these twins that were in front of us in line. He would have gone home with them if I would have let him.
These pictures are from a couple weekends ago. Leif and Eric went and worked up at our house while I watched Noah and Seirra. We had a fun day together. We watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret of the Ooze. Which by the way brought back some, suprisingly fond memories of Patrick (my brother) and I. Then we had lunch at Taco Bell. By the time we were done with all that the guys were done and met us at the Park. My favorite of all favorite parks, Lewisville. It isn't too far from where we live and is just gorgeous.
Wrestling with Daddy
Newest Additions
As some of you know we have been living with my parents while our house (that never seems like it is going to be done) is under construction. We don't live in the house with them though, we have seperate living quaters which are very nice...however the outside is a bit deceiving. Half of the pole barn building is our apartment, roughly 1000 sg. ft. The other half is just a normal old barn that is packed to the gills with furniture my mom can't fit into her house. (That is why she is putting on an addition) She just wasn't REALLY ready to downsize ;)
My nephew Cody brought to my attention one morning after he had spent the night that there had been a mouse running around! EWWWW A MOUSE?!? But then again we DO live in a pole barn. So I got on craigslist and found some free kittens. Leify is in love with them. They are so fun to watch.

My nephew Cody brought to my attention one morning after he had spent the night that there had been a mouse running around! EWWWW A MOUSE?!? But then again we DO live in a pole barn. So I got on craigslist and found some free kittens. Leify is in love with them. They are so fun to watch.
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