We've made a tradition out of going to Bi-Zi farms for Leify's birthday. The three years we've gone, the weather has been nice, although last year was a little slippery. This last weekend it seems everyone in Vancouver converged upon Bi-Zi farms at the same time we did. It was absolutely packed. All we really had time for was to take the tractor ride out to the field for punkin' picking, and by the time we returned we needed to head to the Pizza Parlor for our reservation.
Leify didn't mind, I think he takes after both Leif and I in the loathing of crowds ;) The Gibson's joined us again this year; we love that they take time out of their busy lives and drive down to spend special days like this with us!
It was a fun filled day, and were glad to be able to spend it with so many of the people that Leify adores. He is one lucky little boy, as am I, for being his Mom.
Here are some things that Leify LOVES:
-Thomas the Train
-Playing outside with his dump trucks
-Wrestling with his Daddy
-Going to Grandma & Grandpa's house
-His Aunts and Uncles.....Neecooolllle
-Root beer
-Daddy coming home from work
-Reading books
-Cuggling in the morning
It is so fun to watch him discover new things each day, and to see the little wheels turning round in his "melon". (That's what he calls his head ;)) He has said/done some pretty funny things lately...You'll notice that the 1st two have a common theme.
Me: "Leify, stop picking your nose!"
Leify: "But I'm trying to get sumfin' Mom!"
This little incident nearly made me pee my pants. Leify comes in to cuggle every morning, he especially loves the weekends, since that means Daddy will be there too.
Leify: "I got it Daddy, I wiped it."
Leif: "What did you get?"
Leify: "A booger."
Leif: "Where did you wipe it?!"
Leify: "It's right there, on your pillow."
Sometimes at night the tickle monster comes out to visit, Leify lacks better sense and actually asks for me to tickle him. The other night after much tickling I was worn out...
Leify: "Tickle me Mom."
Me: "I can't, my hands are broken."
Leify: "Awww, you need new batteries?"
These pictures are out of order, and I am too lazy to try and fix them...I still haven't grown completely fluent in all things "mac".
Uncle Pat got Leify some sweet wheels.
Blowing out his candle, he has been soooo excited about his birthday!
My attempt at cake decorating, so time consuming!!
The Loafs enjoying the outdoors.
He's not too crazy about getting his picture taken lately, can you tell???
The Rents
He liked the green ones, haha :)