On June 12th my oldest Nephew Ashton graduated High School. Gosh, that makes me feel old. I remember when he was born...I was 6. I used to pretend I was tired, and go to bed early; I would go in and look at him, in a non-stalkerish kind of way, lol, I was just in awe over his baby-ness...again I was 6. I loved him. (still do). He was the cutest, chubbiest baby ever.
I made him a lei out of dollars bills for him to wear while he walked...turned out pretty cool.

I can't take any credit for the idea of this pic. My Dad just could resist putting Sophers in the vase. I was a little hesitant at first, I was worried she'd fall down inside! Ha! But, doesn't she make a cute flower?!

While we are on the subject of feeling old, here is a picture of Sophie with my nephew Cody's daughter Taygan. She is a darling little girl, full of smiles and personality. I look forward to her and Sophie having the kind of relationship Leify and Aubriana have. Cousins are so fun!

I just couldn't resist this one. Leify has been such a weirdo lately about having his picture taken. Ding-a-ling.