This is a pic from the doorway into her room. Where you see the stripes stop I am putting up 1 1/2 inch white molding. That is my plan for this next week, hopefully.
I scored all her bedding, bumper pad, and curtains at goodwill for $10. Pretty dang good considering those sets are around $200 new at Babies 'R Us. And yes, the molding around the floor is still natural wood. I need to paint that too. Gah.
The little chair came for Fred Meyer. It was regulary $100. I picked it up on clearance for $30. Suhweet. I bought the little ballerina pictures above the chair at a garage sale yesterday for $5.
Duvet cover was another Goodwill score for $14.99. The detail on it is amazing. The big pillows my Madre picked up at homegoods for $10. The modge podge'd mirrors are an ikea transformation. My sister Dana taught me that one ;) Can't beat $2.99.
I already told you about the little table and the letters. Pretty happy with how both of those turned out. The mobile was $15 at my favorite resale shop. The rug was a Target find. The storage baskets are from Storables.

The hutch was a craigslist score for $50. Ha! The crib was a garage sale for $20? I don't remember, my Mom bought that one.
The hutch was a craigslist score for $50. Ha! The crib was a garage sale for $20? I don't remember, my Mom bought that one.