Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Meet Sophie
It was a whole different deal this time around going in for a scheduled c-section. I was a ball of nerves on Wednesday, my attempt at taking Tylenol pm to get some sleep didn't even succeed. I walked into an operating room and was wheeled at with a baby, strange...
Sophie has been having a bit of a rough time adjusting into the world. She weighed in at 8lbs 8oz when she was born, but on the 26th she weighed in at 7lbs 8oz. She was jaundice and between the combination of that and her weight loss she was extremely sleepy. I had to wake her up for feedings. She is not too interested in nursing so my milk has failed to come in...we have rented a pump and I am using that and then bottle feeding. It has been an interesting 2 weeks!!! She is coming around though, she weighed in this morning at 8lbs 3 oz and is waking up on her own for feedings. She is a very sweet little girl, she doesn't cry unless she is hungry, and when awake just looks around with her pretty big eyes. She has already let out a couple of squeaks and is really good at picking her head up when laying on our chests, or when on the floor.

Leify couldn't be a better big brother. He has adjusted beautifully. He absolutely adores Sophie, or Sister Baby, as he calls her. He makes sure Jack stays away from her, and is concerned when she cries, "Uh no, sister baby screamin'". He is such a fun little boy, we absolutely love him to death. His vocabulary has exploded even more in the past few weeks. He tells Leif and I he'll be "Right Back", or "Mmm, taste good." There are more funny little things he's been saying too, but my sleep deprived brain can't seem to think of them.
Sophie has been having a bit of a rough time adjusting into the world. She weighed in at 8lbs 8oz when she was born, but on the 26th she weighed in at 7lbs 8oz. She was jaundice and between the combination of that and her weight loss she was extremely sleepy. I had to wake her up for feedings. She is not too interested in nursing so my milk has failed to come in...we have rented a pump and I am using that and then bottle feeding. It has been an interesting 2 weeks!!! She is coming around though, she weighed in this morning at 8lbs 3 oz and is waking up on her own for feedings. She is a very sweet little girl, she doesn't cry unless she is hungry, and when awake just looks around with her pretty big eyes. She has already let out a couple of squeaks and is really good at picking her head up when laying on our chests, or when on the floor.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Leify's New Room
Leify's room is slowly coming together. We had to move him out of his crib, he definitely didn't forget how to climb out. He took a tumble and we had to take the front off, but then he kept rolling out in the middle of the night and ended up in bed with us anyways. Instead of buying a side rail for his crib we just moved him into a twin size bed and put rails on both sides. He looks so grown up! He was screaming in excitement over his new "Night night bed". He has slept 2 nights in a row perfectly in it. I am loving it!! I plan on making him a headboard, and my mom is working on a "Queen" (Lighting McQueen) quilt for him. She already made him some cute little curtains. That kid is sooo spoiled by my parents! We put up some pictures and a wall paper border. He LOVES it. It is slowly...very slowly...coming together.

Halloween 2009
On Friday Woodland shut down the main street in town from 3-5 for trick-or-treaters. We took Leify around among the masses and he had his first trick-or-treating experience. He was pretty excited getting all that candy in his "pumpkin patch" bag. He was a dragon this year. We didn't get too many pictures. I didn't even bring the camera on Friday because I thought I was going to be going alone, but Leif was able to make it unexpectedly.

On Saturday we went to our wards Trunk-N-Treat. They had a Chili/Cornbread bake-off. For some reason just the thought of Chili makes me dry heave this pregnancy...so it was an interesting night. The night was saved with Carmel apples....that counts as dinner, right? Leify had fun, he was a little scared. There were some crazy 12 year olds running around screaming and he thought the pumpkins were "Oh, no, scary!". He's such a funny little guy.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
And it begins....
Just last night Leif and I were talking about our bedroom plans for the kiddos. I purchased a bunk bed several months ago as a project. It needs to be painted, but with my belly only getting bigger I am trying to minimize projects. I want to just focus on what REALLY needs to get done. So I was telling Leif I was just going to buy another crib mattress...Leify had never climbed out of his crib before. We actually took the front off of his crib, and he freaked out, so we put it back on the very same night. The kid has been absolutely PERFECT about bedtime.
Today I put him down for a nap and then went into our room to lay down, I have been exhausted lately. About 5 minutes later I hear Leify's bedroom door open, close, running feet, and "What do'ning Mama?" followed with giggling excitement. He was very proud of what he had just accomplished.
I am nervous to see what the night will bring us. I didn't try putting him down again for a nap. Hopefully he forgets how he Houdini'd his way out of there by bedtime and continues to be the poster child for bedtime.
Today I put him down for a nap and then went into our room to lay down, I have been exhausted lately. About 5 minutes later I hear Leify's bedroom door open, close, running feet, and "What do'ning Mama?" followed with giggling excitement. He was very proud of what he had just accomplished.
I am nervous to see what the night will bring us. I didn't try putting him down again for a nap. Hopefully he forgets how he Houdini'd his way out of there by bedtime and continues to be the poster child for bedtime.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Leify turns 2.
We went to Bi-Zi Farms again for Leify's birthday this year. Malo and Yvonne came for the day with Aspen and Mia. Dana and Jim, and their whole fam, including the newest member, Taygan, were able to come too. We're so lucky to have family that is close to celebrate fun days!! The kids had fun playing on the hay bales and in the corn bin. We were luck enough to catch a break in the rain and enjoyed about 3 hours of playing.

Leify had to test drive every tractor at the farm. His legs still aren't long enough to peddle around on his own, so Leif had to help him around. He refused to take a nap that day so he was a little grumpy...especially when we tried to peel him away from the tractors. He didn't like the pony ride either at first. But warmed up to the idea about 2 minutes in, and then screamed when it was time to get off.

He really like the petting zoo area but was a little too nervous to keep the food in his hand long enough to feed the pygmy goats. As soon as they were about to lick his hand he would squeal and drop the oats. He enjoyed looking at the baby calves too, he kept mooing at them.

After the pumpkin patch we headed back to Papa and GramGram Jones' for cake and ice cream. Dana's birthday is the day after Leify's so she had a cake too! Leify has been obsessed with Bob the Builder lately so I made him a construction cake. I couldn't find any black twizzlers so I had to improvise and have red power lines. He was a little too distracted with all his presents though and didn't care about it at all.
Leify had to test drive every tractor at the farm. His legs still aren't long enough to peddle around on his own, so Leif had to help him around. He refused to take a nap that day so he was a little grumpy...especially when we tried to peel him away from the tractors. He didn't like the pony ride either at first. But warmed up to the idea about 2 minutes in, and then screamed when it was time to get off.
We rode the tractor out to the pumpkin patch and picked out some good ones. It was sooo muddy!! Leify took Courtney down with him one of the many times that he fell.
After the pumpkin patch we headed back to Papa and GramGram Jones' for cake and ice cream. Dana's birthday is the day after Leify's so she had a cake too! Leify has been obsessed with Bob the Builder lately so I made him a construction cake. I couldn't find any black twizzlers so I had to improvise and have red power lines. He was a little too distracted with all his presents though and didn't care about it at all.
Papa and GramGram got him an Appelator (Helicopter) that he LOVES....he had to hold onto it on the way home, even kept a hold of it in his sleep.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Welcome to our New Blog!
Thanks Aunt Jolene for the sweet name, and a super big thanks to Nicole for the darling layout!! ;)
Our other blog will remain functioning until I finish our blurb book and then it will be deleted. I will posts new pics and updates soon. We have an exciting week!! Leify turns two (can't believe!!) on Saturday.
I have been in overdrive trying to finish projects around the house. My dining room is finally coming together. We are getting very excited to meet our baby girl Sophie!!
Our other blog will remain functioning until I finish our blurb book and then it will be deleted. I will posts new pics and updates soon. We have an exciting week!! Leify turns two (can't believe!!) on Saturday.
I have been in overdrive trying to finish projects around the house. My dining room is finally coming together. We are getting very excited to meet our baby girl Sophie!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Going Private
I am going to be making my blog private. Two weeks from now... since I know some people don't check back regularly. Leave me your email address in the comments section if you would like to be included and be able to continue to read :)
Also...completley unrelated, BUT....we aren't going to be the 3 L's much longer. Any clever ideas for a new name???
Also...completley unrelated, BUT....we aren't going to be the 3 L's much longer. Any clever ideas for a new name???
Monday, September 21, 2009
Here are some funny things Leify has been saying and doing latley.
*When he eats something he likes he says, "Mmm, Licious."
*He calls himself "Fifi", he can say Leif plain as day, but Leify is "Fifi".
*I do flash cards with him everyday, one of the objects is a piano, he calles it a "PE NE NANO"
*Every night we have the same routine before bed, he gets his blanket sits next to me on the couch for about 5 minutes and then Leif picks him up and takes him upstairs, the whole way up he is screaming, "Mama cuggle, Mama cuggle...."
*He asks Leif, "What's up Dada?"
*To our horror he has finally picked up on "No", the other night we were eating dinner and I asked him if it was yummy. He looked me straight in the face, shook his head and said "No", and then continued eating. It was pretty funny.
*He asks me all the time, "Mama, what do'ning?"
*When he eats something he likes he says, "Mmm, Licious."
*He calls himself "Fifi", he can say Leif plain as day, but Leify is "Fifi".
*I do flash cards with him everyday, one of the objects is a piano, he calles it a "PE NE NANO"
*Every night we have the same routine before bed, he gets his blanket sits next to me on the couch for about 5 minutes and then Leif picks him up and takes him upstairs, the whole way up he is screaming, "Mama cuggle, Mama cuggle...."
*He asks Leif, "What's up Dada?"
*To our horror he has finally picked up on "No", the other night we were eating dinner and I asked him if it was yummy. He looked me straight in the face, shook his head and said "No", and then continued eating. It was pretty funny.
*He asks me all the time, "Mama, what do'ning?"
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunriver and Mt. Bachelor
We went to Sunriver this past weekend for a NECA conference. I was so impressed with the community and how family oriented it was. Unfortunatley Leify and I had to spend Saturday alone, but we made the most of it. I rented a sweet Grandma style bike... the kind with the big fluffy seat, and a trailer. We rode all over the resort, had icecream, looked at all the shops for the shoppers and enjoyed some Mommy-Son time. Since I was alone, I have no pics. Leify can be a handfull. I don't dare take my expensive camera out with him alone, lol.
So all our pics are of Mt. Bachelor.
Sunday Leif made up for lost time with the fam, we headed up to Mt. Bachelor for some fun and pics. Mt. Bachelor doesn't even compare to Mt. Hood, it looks like a barren waste land compared to our beautiful lush green Mt. Hood.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Easy going Monday
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
If you know me, you know I love Craigslist. So, it was a given that I would find this video hilarious.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Can't get enough
Some more mutants.
Another Moth showed up. Leif put our son at risk so you could fully appreciate just how large these things are.
We saw this porcupine awhile ago. I've never seen one this large. It was waddling up our road, Leif has seen it again since around the same spot. Maybe it's a Mama and has a nest. Or maybe I am just surrounded by unnaturally large beasts.
Various Lake outings.
Have I told you we live 5 minutes from 4 different boat launches/day parks? Yep. It's pretty darn cool.
We love going out while the weather is nice, and sometimes when it's just so-so. On a Tuesday evening we can pretty much have the Yale Reservoir to ourselves at Saddle Dam. Definitely a plus for living out in the middle of nowhere. Here are some recent pictures of our adventures. The two extra little girl's are Aspen and Mia. Leif's brother Malo and his wife Yvonne's kiddos.
We love going out while the weather is nice, and sometimes when it's just so-so. On a Tuesday evening we can pretty much have the Yale Reservoir to ourselves at Saddle Dam. Definitely a plus for living out in the middle of nowhere. Here are some recent pictures of our adventures. The two extra little girl's are Aspen and Mia. Leif's brother Malo and his wife Yvonne's kiddos.
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