4 Jobs I've had
1. At 15 I went to the only place in town that would hire underage kids, Dairy Queen, it was an awful job. However, I was nicely outfitted the following school year J
2. Oregon Health and Sciences University, I worked as a Sterile Processing Technician. Sounds fancy, but not really, I cleaned up bloody instruments. It was a great job, I had lots of eye opening experiences and met a lot of really cool people.
3. Activity Director @ a Retirement Community…could have been a cool job but I had a psycho boss who was cheating on her husband and brought her boyfriend around and blah blah…awkward!
4. When I found out I was prego I was working nights full time at Providence St Vincent as a Telephone Operator. My coworkers had many a discussion on whether or not we were above average intelligent, or the majority of society lacks intelligence. People would call and ask questions like, “What would happen if I gave my girlfriend Viagra?”, or “Can I speak to my Dr., he’s the young blonde one” (This hospital encompassed HUNDREDS of Dr.s)
4 Movies I've watched more than once:
1. Underworld 1&2
2.Wedding Crashers (Leif's favorite)
3. Pride and Prejudice… only the BBC 6 hour version with Colin Firth. I hate the new one.
4. Any of the Bourne movies
4 Places I have lived:
1. Oregon City, OR
2. La Grande, OR…Eastern Oregon University
3. Vancouver, WA
4. Battle Ground, WA
4 Places I have been:
2. New Mexico
3. Our cruise took in Key West, Belize, and Cozumel.
4. Colorado
4 Favorite Foods
1. Mashed Potatoes, Yum.
2. Chocolate covered pretzels
3. A Hot Noah’s Bagel with Cream cheese
4. Fajitas
4 Places I would like to visit:
1. Cancun
2. Sweden (mostly because Leif wants to go)
3. Colorado Springs !
4. The Grand Canyon or Yellowstone
4 Things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Moving into our house
2. Watching Leify crawl
3. Meeting little Mia
4.Losing that last 7 pounds, lol J
4 Friends I'm tagging:
1. Yvonne
2. Jaime
and that’s it, all my friends are too preoccupied with MySpace and face book for blogging.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Words Only
So my lap top is on it's last leg, for some reason it won't download pictures from my camera, grr. I am going to have to use a different computer to get some pics on here. We bought Leif on new Dell laptop about 2 weeks ago but we don't want to jam it up with pictures. Leif needs a dependable laptop for his school. His classes start today, we are so excited! Leif's brother wants to buy my lap top so I think that Leif and I are going to get a desktop for me for my blogging, pictures, and scrap booking attempts.
Lil Leif is doing so so good, everyone morning he wakes up and babbles little sweet words and then if nothing happens, he'll start chanting ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, and if that doesn't work he'll start crying until he gets his ba-ba.
He is getting up unto his knees and rocking back and forth; but he is such an awesome roller it's almost like he can get to anything he wants anyways. I'm sure one day he'll just take off and then I'll be wishing... just like every mom before me that he hadn't figured out how to do it so soon.
We have been taking advantage of the nice weather whenever it happens to come around and go on hikes. We are LOVING the framed baby backpack, it makes such a difference! Lil Leif absolutely loves to be outside, he looks around and says sweet little things, he is just a little man. He has a love of the outdoors, even being just 7 1/2 months :)
Leif keeps saying that he is going to take him fishing, start him young, but I'm waiting for the weather to get a little warmer so Leify doesn't turn into a little ice cube at the river @ 5am.
Lil Leif is doing so so good, everyone morning he wakes up and babbles little sweet words and then if nothing happens, he'll start chanting ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, and if that doesn't work he'll start crying until he gets his ba-ba.
He is getting up unto his knees and rocking back and forth; but he is such an awesome roller it's almost like he can get to anything he wants anyways. I'm sure one day he'll just take off and then I'll be wishing... just like every mom before me that he hadn't figured out how to do it so soon.
We have been taking advantage of the nice weather whenever it happens to come around and go on hikes. We are LOVING the framed baby backpack, it makes such a difference! Lil Leif absolutely loves to be outside, he looks around and says sweet little things, he is just a little man. He has a love of the outdoors, even being just 7 1/2 months :)
Leif keeps saying that he is going to take him fishing, start him young, but I'm waiting for the weather to get a little warmer so Leify doesn't turn into a little ice cube at the river @ 5am.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Grandma Vi's

Saturday we made a trip down to Milwaukie to hang out with Grandma Vi, Leif's brother Eric and his kiddos. The weather was great and we had a fun time playing baseball in the backyard. Althoug Seirra let one rip flying uncomfortably close past my head. Both her and Noah can hit the heck out of those wiffle balls.
Leify had a great time hanging out in the grass and cuggling with Grandma Vi. She rocked him to sleep after a tough day of being cute. He is getting closer and closer to being able to crawl. I was amazed the other day he actually pushed his whole body up and was supporting himself with his arms and toes. It looked like he was trying to do a push up or something.
Last night Leify and I went over the the YW'S President's House and made Calendars. Another baby boy, Charlie, was there who is just 17 days older than Leify. He already has 2 teeth and his crawling like a mad man. Him and Leify were trying to poke eachothers eyes out and bite eachother hands as they saw them coming towards their faces. It is so fun to see little ones interact with eachother!

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Lucia Falls
Well since I picked up that metal framed baby backpack I decided that it definitley needed to be tested. When Leif got home from work we made a trip to Lucia falls and walked along the river. It is so nice to be outside. Leify was barefoot and loving all the scenery. He loves to be outside, his head whips from side to side trying to take everything in. Here are some pics from our trip. 

A Lot of Stuff
So the house is still coming...Geeze this has been an adventure. We found out that Francis the lady who was handling our loan didn't exactly do everything correctly ( she conviently doesn't work there anymore) GREAAT! So we are having to wait for our house to get appraised again before the actual building can start. But everything is ready to go. The builders are standing by and are ready to start whenever they get the go sign. It is exciting and frustrating at the same time. It seems latley that women who don't know what they are doing are messing with our life in big ways!

Leif has decided that he is going to quit WSU and get his BSM from the University of Phoenix. He will be able to get done faster and will be able to complete the degree online! No more going to school after work and not getting home to Leify and I until 9pm, so as you can imagine I am all for it. Also if he goes through the University of Phoenix he will be able to get his MBA with just 1 more year of school. So after he completes his BSM he will take 1 year off and then resume to get his MBA. How exciting is that!?!? There are quite a few perks to going to the University of Phoenix, and while it is tad more expensive for tuition there isn't going to be $500 worth of books every semester, and he will be able to work full time, and will be able to complete his BSM without ever stepping foot in a classroom again. However if he does have questions there is a campus located near the Vancouver mall and he can go in for tutoring or questions...whatever. We are both so excited!! He starts on the 27th of May.
Lil Leif is doing awesome, the kid never ceases to amaze me. Today I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Leify took a tumble off our bed, I had just turned around for a second and boom he was screaming on the floor. O my gosh I was so scared and worried about the little guy. He cried for all of about 3 seconds and was good to go after that. He does havea little hump on his head, but you wouldn't know that something so tramatic has happened if you didn't already know. He is acting the same as ever. We hit up a garage sale today and I found some really cool stuff. I have been looking around for one of the metal frame back pack baby carriers and found one for 7.50. What a deal!
I have been in a crafy mood latley and am enjoying learning about my Xyron machines ;) I recently got called to be the Laurel Advisor for my ward and have been surfing internet sites for ideas on cool stuff to do that will help me get to know the girls in more of a personal way. I came across an idea about journaling and ran with it. These are what I came up with...

Every sunday the last 5-10 minutes of class will be spent by the girls writing in these journals; whether it be a questions about class, that sunday's lesson, upcoming activites, boys..whatever they want to write about. Then over the course of the week I will read what each girl wrote and respond to each one of them and then return them the next sunday...and so on. When a girl graduates, moves, or whatever I will give her the journal to keep :)
Last Saturday Leif and I made a trip down town, Leif was having a lot of fun kicking his feet around in the backpack. We cruised by the Saturday market and Powell's, Leif and I decided that downtown is a fun place to visit...occasionally, but we are very happy with where we live ;)

Tuesday I had a little bit of a fit with Leify's car seat and made a snap decision that he needed a new one. So I headed to Target and bought this beauty. All three of us are very happy with it. Leify looks like a little prince on his throne, it looks altogether too comfortable. I think Leif is actually jealous.

Here is a picture of what is happening in my Mom's backyard. Her "Berm". I don't even know if I am spelling that right. But here is what it looks like.

Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Ding Dong Academic Advisor
So Leif went to class on Tuesday night for this first 5 week summer session class, some 400 level Business course...everything went great. Wednesday he gets a call from his Academic Advisor saying she made a mistake and that he isn't able to take that course because it has a 300 level prereq. With the Business program he is in he doesn't sign up for his own classes anymore...this advisory lady is supposed to do it. How could someone; especially an ACADEMIC ADVISOR make a mistake like that?!? So Leif can't take a class now...since classes already started...and the ding dong lady just now realized what a stupid dumb mistake she made. So now Leif is off schedule...ugh, stupid advisor. BUT on a good note...I get to spend 5 weeks where Leif is just working like a normal human being and I will actually get to see him! YAY!
The Project
So the gift is away in the mail and I figure it is safe to post the goods. I don't know when and if Diane looks at the blog so hopefully we are good before it gets there tomorrow for mothers day!!
Dana brought this craft idea with her when she came to visit and we had some much fun putting it together....so much in fact that at 2pm we were still in our pajamas at the kitchen elbow deep in crafting paraphernalia! I don't remember exactly what it was called..but it was something to the effect of photo box explosion. Girl weekends are so much fun!!

Dana brought this craft idea with her when she came to visit and we had some much fun putting it together....so much in fact that at 2pm we were still in our pajamas at the kitchen elbow deep in crafting paraphernalia! I don't remember exactly what it was called..but it was something to the effect of photo box explosion. Girl weekends are so much fun!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
What a Week
Well the most exciting news is that we passed our electrical inspection; the county set our transformer, and our builder is coming out on Monday to do a site inspection so they can start building!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of Leif, I would have thrown in the towel ages ago but he has had an insane amount of patience and seen it through. We are looking so forward to being able to move into our own house this summer!
Sunday afternoon I made the trip up to Dana's house because, well I am a ding dong and never really looked at the itinerary that Nicole sent me. I had it in my head that she was flying in at 7am....when in actuality it was 2pm. Slight difference....
Leify ended up getting really sick while we were at Dana's I woke up with him at around 130ish and could feel that he was pretty warm. He wasn't really crying just being fidgety and whimpering. So me being the inexperienced new mom woke poor Dana up because I didn't know what the heck to do. She gave him some Motrin and that seemed to help a little bit and he would sleep in little 15 minute cycles. Morning came and he was still warm and generally not feeling good he wanted to be close and cuggled, I took him upstairs to Dana's room and he puked ALL OVER her bed. Yikes...I felt so horrible. He was so upset, I had never heard him cry like that. Dana called her friend who let us borrow a thermometer and he ended up having a temp of 102.7. I called my Dr. but she is a super earth muffin and told me to just let the fever run its course. I opted for the Tylenol route and both Leify and I were both MUCH MORE comfortable with that. The poor little guy made the trip home in one of Camryn's pink t-shirts. But I gotta say he was a trooper. He hardly cried at all, but you could definitely tell he was out of sorts and not feeling well. I was so glad to have Dana's help and support! She was awesome about the whole situation! ( Even when Leify puked all over her bed) :)
I ended up getting sick too and didn't get to do a lot of the things I wish we could have done while Nicole and Aubriana were here. I didn't even get to hold the little cutie the whole time because I was so worried about her getting sick too. We did go and get the kiddos pictures taken together though, but even those didn't turn out as good as they could have. The lady was in a massive hurry and they could have been WAYY cuter.
Dana had a fun craft for us though and that was a lot of fun to put together. I would put a picture up but it is a gift for someone in the near future and I don't want to spoil the surprise ;)
Leify is sitting up like a pro now and he is starting to get his feet under him more now when he is on his stomach so crawling is starting to look a little more realistic in the future.
It was so fun to see Aubri and Leif together and see what a difference their is in the sexes even in infancy!! She was blah blah blah all the time!! While Leify is quiet as a mouse. She would squeal whenever he got near her, you could definitely tell that they are going to have a ton of fun together. On top of all the sickness Leify dealt with he had a Dr.'s apt Wednesday and she decided it would be OK to go ahead and give him his immunizations. So now he's got two big knots in his legs. :( Poor baby.
That is pretty much it for now, I will keep everyone posted on the house. We are so excited!!
Sunday afternoon I made the trip up to Dana's house because, well I am a ding dong and never really looked at the itinerary that Nicole sent me. I had it in my head that she was flying in at 7am....when in actuality it was 2pm. Slight difference....
Leify ended up getting really sick while we were at Dana's I woke up with him at around 130ish and could feel that he was pretty warm. He wasn't really crying just being fidgety and whimpering. So me being the inexperienced new mom woke poor Dana up because I didn't know what the heck to do. She gave him some Motrin and that seemed to help a little bit and he would sleep in little 15 minute cycles. Morning came and he was still warm and generally not feeling good he wanted to be close and cuggled, I took him upstairs to Dana's room and he puked ALL OVER her bed. Yikes...I felt so horrible. He was so upset, I had never heard him cry like that. Dana called her friend who let us borrow a thermometer and he ended up having a temp of 102.7. I called my Dr. but she is a super earth muffin and told me to just let the fever run its course. I opted for the Tylenol route and both Leify and I were both MUCH MORE comfortable with that. The poor little guy made the trip home in one of Camryn's pink t-shirts. But I gotta say he was a trooper. He hardly cried at all, but you could definitely tell he was out of sorts and not feeling well. I was so glad to have Dana's help and support! She was awesome about the whole situation! ( Even when Leify puked all over her bed) :)
I ended up getting sick too and didn't get to do a lot of the things I wish we could have done while Nicole and Aubriana were here. I didn't even get to hold the little cutie the whole time because I was so worried about her getting sick too. We did go and get the kiddos pictures taken together though, but even those didn't turn out as good as they could have. The lady was in a massive hurry and they could have been WAYY cuter.
Dana had a fun craft for us though and that was a lot of fun to put together. I would put a picture up but it is a gift for someone in the near future and I don't want to spoil the surprise ;)
Leify is sitting up like a pro now and he is starting to get his feet under him more now when he is on his stomach so crawling is starting to look a little more realistic in the future.
It was so fun to see Aubri and Leif together and see what a difference their is in the sexes even in infancy!! She was blah blah blah all the time!! While Leify is quiet as a mouse. She would squeal whenever he got near her, you could definitely tell that they are going to have a ton of fun together. On top of all the sickness Leify dealt with he had a Dr.'s apt Wednesday and she decided it would be OK to go ahead and give him his immunizations. So now he's got two big knots in his legs. :( Poor baby.
That is pretty much it for now, I will keep everyone posted on the house. We are so excited!!
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