Thursday, January 31, 2008

Adventures of Craigslist...

Craigslist has been good to me latley I think I might be addicted. Last week I posted my car and ended up selling it for 1,000 more than I listed it for and a girl showed up at my house with 11,000 in cash...HOLY COW!

Then yesterday I found a listing for a 80+ peice clothing lot of boys stuff 9-12 months, I went and took a look at it...the lady was meticulous, her little guy's clothing looked like it was brand new. Everything was name brand, pumpkin patch, calvin klein, oshkosh...I got complete matching outifts, hats, shoes, socks, it was nuts, I left with so much stuff I actually felt guilty. Leify is officially decked out. :) I can't even fit all his stuff in the dresser, I think he might even actually have more clothes than me!

I picked him up a bumbo the other day while I was at Target, he loves it :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

He Did It!

So much for another week and a half!! Leify rolled over tonight! I was emailing Nicole and I looked over my computer and Leify had rolled over and then proceeded to do it 3x more!


I have the same problem as Nicole...whenever I try to take pictures of Leify and get him to smile he looks at the camera with big huge eyes. So I got my mom to get him to smile while I took pictures the angle is a little weird, but they're still smiles :)

Does he look like his Daddy or what??

Leify is working on rolling over, he'll probably have it figured out in the next work or so I am guessing. It is pretty cute to watch though he sticks his butt way up in the air. He's a funny little kid. This picture right below is like looking at Leif, it kind of freaks me out sometimes, lol.

Monday, January 28, 2008


For some reason blogger won't let me download videos. I don't know what the heck the deal is. Grrrr. I have a really cute video of Leify eating carrots and I want you guys to see it!!!

Winter Wonderland

I woke up to snow this morning. It is so fresh.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Morning Walk

The sun has been kind enough to make an apperance TWO DAYS in a row!! So I got the Jogger stroller put together and we've been out and about these past two sunny mornings. The sun is out but the wind has been pretty crazy so I put the rain guard down so he wouldn't been blown away...hehe he's my little bubble boy. He is as quiet as a mouse the whole time, he actually fell asleep today. He's such a good little guy!

Thor hearts Leify

Thor is in love with Leify he cuggles everytime he gets a chance...and always wants to make sure everything is "ok" It is too cute.

Friday, January 18, 2008

I get to go to a concert (FINALLY)

I have been missing the whole concert scene from the days before I met Leif...I used to go atleast 1x a month... jump around in the masses, coming out covered in another people's sweat, covered in bruises the next morning, and occasionally fearing for my life when someone pushes too hard and getting tramled looks like it is a definite possibility. I've missed it! Haha! Anyways were going to go and see LifeHouse this next month. YAY!

Leif and I bought a exersaucer tonight, he is having quite a fun time putting it together! We had a fun family day today. He works and goes to school so seeing him as much as I'd like barely ever happens so it was nice to just mill around town and be together.

I had to post this picture of Leify and Grandpa. I am absolutley in love with his little baseball cap!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sick little man

Leify has been down in the dumps...he caught the cold that has been making that rounds here. Leif is the only one how hasn't felt the affects of it. I spent a couple days and nights not even being able to put him down. I slept upright on the couch with the boppy. I woke up thinking my foot was broken I was so tired I didn't even notice that my foot was in a very unnatural position. It was interesting to say the least... I had to adjust my sleeping patter :) He's been so bummed out I haven't even been able to get him to smile. Ugh.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I love my boys

I love this picture because Lil Leif has him arm up just like his Daddys. It's too cute
I attempted to make an icecream cake for Leif's birthday, it tasted great but the apperance needs some modification :) He turned the big 27 on Jan. 5
Passed out!!
Thor is such a cuggler, I call him a leech...sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night freaking out because he's so close to me I can't even move. As you can see he also enjoys spooning with Leify :)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Leify's First Taste

The other day when I was out in the apartment Patrick gave Leify some chocolate mouse. I came back inside, took his pacifer out and found this...HE LOVED IT. Hehehe.

Christmas Day!!

Sorry I am so late posting pictures but we had an absolutley awesome christmas. Leify actually had more presents to open the Leif and I (combined!) what a little spoiley! He even got a pair of real cowboy boots from his uncle Pat!

Christmas Eve

We spent christmas eve at Grandma Vi's it was a great night! We got to see Noah and Sierra...they were so excited for Santa Clause to come! Sierra kept telling Vi to make sure the fire was put out so he didn't get his butt burnt! :)