Leif is starting to get shy he'll have a coy little smile and then turn his head away...he's a flirt already! Oh and he's doing awesome holding his head up!

Leify is getting much more aware of his surroundings. He loves his swing; he'll just sit in it and look up above him at the animals on the mobile. He also has started responding to particular voices (he loves Grandma's voice!) I've gotten him to smile a few times; not just after passing gas either :)
He is gaining weight like crazy too! When we left the hospital he weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces...he lost quite a bit of weight due to my having a c-section and waiting for my milk to come in. But anyways I just weighed him this morning and he is only a few ounces shy of 10 pounds!!
Last night my mom and I hit up the craft warehouse because they were having the annual Christmas open house...anyways they were doing prize drawings every 15 mintues; there were about 200 numbers taped to there floor and if you were standing on the number that they called you got to go to "prize central" and pick out a prize. We were there about 1o minutes and I won!! I got a bag full of scrap booking/card making paper, ribbons, etc...Probably about $75 worth off stuff! Hooray!
Nicole I am sending you a bunch of it, its cute girly stuff ;)